
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under five. Aim for layers of protection. Here are some of our favorite resources to keep your little ones safe around water.

Pool Fence

Pool fencing is the only layer of protection that provides a physical barrier between your home and the pool. A mesh pool fence is a must. If you wouldn’t own a car without seat belts, do not own a pool without a fence. Pool fences should be at least 4 feet high and have a self-closing, self-latching gate that opens away from the pool.

Life Saver Pool Fence

Survival Swim Lessons

Survival swim lessons are one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. Babies can learn to self rescue around 6 months as soon as they are able to sit up unassisted. Tap the link below to find a certified instructor in your area.

Infant Swimming ResourceInfant AquaticsSurvival Swim

Get CPR Certified

In a drowning accident seconds can make the difference between death, recovery, or just survival. Prevention is vital to reducing drownings. But, an immediate response can save lives, too.

Get CPR Certified

Help pass The Sylas Alexander Gatlyn Act to keep children safe in their homes

We need everyone’s support to help pass a bill relating to residential swimming pools to keep more children safe in their homes. Please share and ask your state reps and senators to support this bill.

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Read through our water safety tips & checklist

Dangers of Puddle Jumpers -
Articles / Sources

PPCD Org: More harm than good. How puddle jumpers can be dangerous.AAP - Healthy Children : Swim Safety TipsRomper: Do Puddle Jumpers Hinder Learning To Swim? Here's What Experts Say

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